Showing posts with label mass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mass. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


YOU ARE ALL INVITED! Please come ...

WHEN: Sunday JANUARY 1, 2012
WHERE: St Vincent de Paul
1010 Columbia Street, NE
Salem, Oregon 97301-7265

Mass 5:00 pm followed by a reception

Celebrant: Rev. Father Henry Rufo, Nativity of BVM Catholic Church in Rainier,Oregon

For more info please email:

Marie McHone - * Gigi Wolf -
Jocelyn Gran - * Maryann G Gaviola -

For music ministry please email Luzerna Cowan -


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Friday Novena and Mass


Please join us for every First Friday of the month for Novena and Holy Mass at St. Stephens Catholic Church. This month it will be on Dec. 3. Novena starts at 4:30 followed by Holy Mass at 6:30. Please see attached flyer for details.

Thank you!

God Bless,


Friday, November 19, 2010

Salem Fil-Am Monthly Mass - First Sunday of Advent

Please come and encourage your whole family and your friends to celebrate the
1st Sunday of Advent Season in the monthly Fil-Am Mass at St. Vincent de Paul Church,1010 Columbia St. NE, Salem, OR 97301

November 28, 2010

4:00 pm - Divine Mercy Recital with the DMOLF Group & all

5:00 pm - Holy Eucharist Celebration
Fr. Ysrael Bien, Main Celebrant
& Fr. Henry Rufo, Concelebrant

6:00 pm - Reception will be follow after the mass.

Thank you to the CFC-YFC-KFC & HANDMAIDS of the LORD for sponsoring the Fil-Mass in Salem for the month of November.

For more info send email to

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thanksgiving Mass of Fr. Joey Frez

You are cordially invited

What: Thanksgiving Mass of Fr. Joey Frez
When: Sunday, September 26, 2010

Time: 10:45 AM
Where: St. Cecilia Catholic Church
5120 SW Franklin Avenue
Beaverton, Oregon

Fr. Joey Frez took his vows to serve the Diocese of Salt Lake City and was ordained by The Most Reverend John Charles Wester to the Priesthood last May 29th, in the Cathedral of Madeleine in Salt Lake City, Utah. Click this link for the full coverage of his ordination, Fr. Joey Frez was very blessed that her Mom and several members of his family came for his ordination (above photo). The Core Team members in the Filipino Community in Oregon and Salt Lake City were delighted and grateful that they were able to attend and participated in the event (photos on the right). Fr. Pat McNamara, the Pastor of St. Cecilia and several of his professors, mentors and collegues at the Mt. Angel Seminary were able to witness the joyful occasion. Prior to his ordination, he served as a Deacon at St. Cecilia Catholic Church. On September 26th, he will celebrate the 10:45 AM Sunday mass at St. Cecilia. The Parishioners and the Filipino Community will host a welcome reception in the Parish Hall right after his Thanksgiving Mass.

The Filipino Seminarians invited Fr. Joey Frez also to celebrate mass at Mt. Angel Abbey in honor of San Lorenzo Ruiz on Monday, September 27th at 10:00 AM. He will be one of the concelebrants during the Feast of San Lorenzo which will be held at Our Lady of Sorrows on Sunday, September 26th, at 2:00 PM

Please come and join us for the celebrations.

People might be surprised to know that I would have felt fulfilled after achieving everything that I wanted in life. But I only felt the satisfaction when I left behind all that I have worked so hard for and followed the call from God. Fr. Joseph Frez

Sunday, April 25, 2010

May 2 - Special Mass for the intentions of clean and honest elections in the philippines

"On May 2, Filipinos in Oregon will stand in solidarity with the rest of the Filipino people here in the US and other parts of the world in praying for CLEAN and HONEST elections in the Philippines on May 10. This is a crucial time for the Philippines and the future of our heritage as Filipinos. Although we may differ in our choices for candidates and parties, it is no reason for division - for we can still come together as UNITED Filipinos in invoking the Holy Spirit for the truth, prudence and honesty to prevail during and after the elections.

On May 2, We ask all of you, your friends and families, to come to a Mass that will be offered for the intentions of the election at THE GROTTO, in Portland at 12noon. We would like to see as many Filipinos at this Mass so we can show our oneness but more importantly the power of prayer through the collected and unified plea of the people.

If you cannot make it to the Mass on May 2 at The Grotto, we ask that you pray for this intention in your parishes or congregational worship services, aloud or in silence - "For clean and honest election in the upcoming national elections in the Philippines, may God guide this process and allow the rightful, just and honest winner to emerge, we pray to our God."

There is power in prayer - whatever form you may prefer. But we hope to see you at the Grotto, May 2 at noon. INVITE, INVITE, INVITE!

PLEASE INCLUDE also the invitation of Medy Saqueton to all to come to her house on MAY 1 to pray a novena to the Blessed Mother by praying 1000 Hail Mary's between 8am and 4pm at her house. Here is her SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL:

In addition to the May 2nd Mass, you are invited to come to our house, drop in anytime from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm, on May 1st, Saturday and help us pray 1,000 Hail Marys for the same intention “Fair and honest election in the Philippines.” As well as pray for our own specific intentions that we may carry in our hearts.
Lito and Medy’s address: 12142 SE Mt Scott Blvd, Happy Valley, Oregon 97086
Tel 503-760-7710

Hope you can join the Saquetons and other Filipinos in this prayer.

In solidarity for a better Philippines,


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blessing of the relic of Saint Therese

Dear Family of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus -

Here is the flyer promoting our March 6 mass with Archbishop Vlazny - including the blessing of the relic of Saint Therese.

I pray that you can use the power of internet, and forward this flyer with a personal invitation from you, to all the people you know.

Let us use this event on March 6 as the grand debut of the Family of Saint Therese of the Chid Jesus, and I pray that God will bless our event with a crowded church, a lot of good publicity, and that many peoples hearts will be touched so that they feel moved to join our Family or support the good things that Deacon Vu is doing.

God bless you all!

your sister in Christ,
