Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More on Efren

Thank you so much everyone who support us on this work! Efren and KB have come and gone from Portland, but our work continues...

Many of you now know of Efren Penaflorida because of his win as CNN Hero in 2009. What people don't know is that the work of Efren has been in existence since 1985, and there is actually a BIGGER MAN (in every sense of the word) behind Efren and the entire Dynamic Teen Company. Efren is a 4th generation mentee, who just happened to be the "face" that represents the work of an entire team of young teenagers.

Start here: http://www.youtube.com/user/bonn8586#p/u/3/Qd5JE69KHYE and proceed to watch other videos in this library from "bonn8586" -- you will learn that the work of these children was successful long before Efren stepped up to that podium to receive his award!

Mimi, Cindy, and all others who weren't able to meet Ef and KB personally, I'm hoping we will someday soon invite their entire group to Portland for a longer stay... that's my future goal!

Aguman-Capampangan Mission, maybe you can look into partnering with this group of young advocates -- they need a lot of support for sustaining their work!! Their youngest advocate started literally doing social work at 7 years old, Kez is now 11 and he actually runs the Kariton Klinic, helping children younger than him with hygiene education and first aid.

FANHS -- Theirs is a story worth following, because although they are not Filipino-Americans, these Filipinos are making an impact globally, and I'm so sure that we will be seeing more of them all!

PSU-Kaibigan -- you are the best candidates for TRUE PARTNERSHIP with the Dynamic Teen Company!

CFAA -- maybe we can set aside a true partnership program with both DTC and GK, considering we have direct/reliable/accountable contacts, and these are programs which now have global exposure and validity. These organizations need our guidance, leadership and support for their sustainance... they ask that we are able to assist in long-term partnerships to help alleviate poverty and restore human dignity, not only to our countrymen, but for the rest of the world who are watching and following our lead!

Again here's the link to my complete album on Ef's and KB's visit here:


Thank you and God Bless Always!

;-) Dolly

"Aspire to inspire before you expire."